Still Willy-nilly After All These Years

 Who is it that says most, which can say more,

Than this rich praise, that you alone, are you -- Shakespeare's sonnet LXXXIV

YES, WE ARE OURSELVES; but selves are ever-changing.

Sometimes we improve. Sometimes we degenerate. Always we are never the same. In flux, we forge forward or fall by the wayside. But none of it is to stay that way; wish it or not, "Will I or nill I."

Still, we can be masters at our own tiller and ably steer even uncharted courses. We can choose what we do with what happens to us ... even the very worst of things, even with choices confined.

Years afford us that opportunity. Aging allows us to gain insight. Life lets us live.

So live well while living is left.

Open up

Happy New Year 2021!

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